Our farm

la producción

local de pequeños cultivadores de estas especies de la región.

la trazabilidad

Un hito que hemos logrado en la producción de nuestros cultivos siendo amigables con el medio ambiente


Hemos logrado reunir familias campesinas y consolidar así una capacidad de oferta exportable de flores, follajes y bouquets.

a los proveedores

de flores a diversificar su oferta garantizando el comercio de nuestros productos.

Aurora Flowers S.A.S
is a company

That produces and commercializes tropical flowers: Heliconias, Foliages, and Bouquets. We help flower suppliers to diversify their offer, supplying them constantly and guaranteeing the traceability and fair trade of our products.

is a family business crop

Of Heliconias and Foliage since 2002. We are specialized in the production and commercialization of 20 species of tropical flowers from the family of “Heliconias”. Yield in “La Aurora” farm located near the city of Pereira, Risaralda, a region internationally recognized for being the coffee zone of Colombia and because of the natural volcanic fertility of its land.

Aurora supports
the local production

Of small growers. We have managed to reunite peasant families so we are able to guaranty an exportable supply capacity of heliconias, foliage, and bouquets, which we monthly sell among flower exporting companies, and among other segments of high consumers such as hotels, malls, and conventions centers.

The variety of
Heliconias, Foliages, and Bouquets

Of Aurora Flowers offer a better appearance compared to the standard in the international market. The thickness of its stem, the size of its flowers, the exuberance of their natural colors and its duration, are the result of being cultivated in volcanic soils.

Manager and founder of Aurora Flowers

A family business founded in 2002. Producers and marketers of Heliconia, Foliage and Bouquets of tropical flowers type of export. Passionate about flowers and education, husband and father of two children.

If you want to know more about Aurora Flowers.

Feel free to contact us.